Welcome to my site.

An introduction.

Hey, my name is John Thomas, and this is my site! "John Thomas" is kinda my first name, but most people just call me JT since it's easier. I'm currently still setting things up here, but my plan for this site is to post about games I'm working on, to share what I'm doing in real life, to talk my interests, and to share useful resources and tools with others. You can find these areas of my site on the navbar.

Let's talk a little more about who I am. I am in my early twenties and I am currently a game design student in Michigan. Outside of making games, I'm really into music. I'm not great at making it (yet), so I mainly just listen to my favorite bands and practice my guitar when I have the time to. I've got a pretty decent sized record collection. It's mostly prog-rock oriented stuff, but I've got some more well-known stuff too. I also collect CDs and tapes but those aren't as cool. Another interest I have is tinkering with technology. Think modding iPods or homebrewing a Wii U, not engineering stuff really. I've also liked doing craft projects from time to time. I used to be super into making paracord bracelets, and now I'm looking for another craft to keep me busy. I'm from the Southern US, but I never really liked it that much growing up so I'm trying to move elsewhere.

On the site's design

You're probably either thinking "wow this is a really cool looking site where'd you come up with the idea for it?" or you're thinking "wow this site looks atrocious what inspired you to make something so ugly?" Either way, I was initially inspired by the cover art for the album "Shyga! The Sunlight Mound" by the band Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. Good heavy-sounding psych rock band if you haven't heard of them. At first I had a sitewide background that resembled the cover which I made by making a distorted photo collage thing and switching out the colors for indexed colors in Photoshop. These same indexed colors would be the primary colors used on the site. After looking at some other sites for inspiration, I decided to change course. I got rid of the background and reduced the color pallete further for a more minimalistic feel. I also added some retro flair by adding dithered monochrome images to each page's header.